
User Guide - GuDukeTama

Welcome to the User Guide for the chatbot GuDukeTama! This is a greenfield project for CS2103 iP (AY20/21 Semester 1).



Displays all instructions available to the user.

Creating Tasks

Users can create tasks that are of types: todo, deadline or event.
todo tasks only has a description, while deadline and events store description and date of the task.

Mark Tasks as done

After completing the task, user can mark them as done.

Deleting Tasks

User can delete unwanted Tasks.

Listing Tasks

Users can get a list of all their tasks.

Finding Tasks

Using a keyword, users can search their for tasks containing the keyword.

Sorting Tasks

Users can sort their tasks in chronological order.
Todo Tasks without a date will be placed at the end of the list.

Data Management

Data is saved whenever the user exits the app with the command ‘bye’ and automatically loaded when the user starts up the app.


help - Displays all instructions

Displays all the available instructions to the user.

Example of usage: help

Expected Outcome:

help - Display Available Instructions
bye - Terminate Duke
list - Display current DukeTasks
done [Task Number] - Complete the specified task number
delete [Task Number] - Deletes the task number
find [keyword] - Finds related Tasks containing the keyword
sort [tag] - Sorts the tasks with the tag (“all”, “deadline” or “event”)
todo [Task Description] - Inputs a TODO DukeTask
deadline [Task Description] /by [Date]
event [Task Description] /at [Date]

DD, MM, YYYY are the date, month and year respectively
hh, mm, ss are the hour, minutes and seconds respectively

todo [description] - Creates a Todo Task

Creates a Todo Task and adds it into the Task List

Example of usage: todo homework

Expected Outcome:

Task Added:

[T][✘] homework

Yawns… You have 11 tasks I’ll go back to my nap…please finish them so-…zzz…

deadline [description] /by [date] - Creates a Deadline Task

Creates a Deadline Task and adds it into the Task List

Example of usage: deadline homework /by 10/09/2020 12/00/00

Expected Outcome:

Task Added:

[D][✘] homework (by: 10 Sep 2020 12:00:00 PM)

Yawns… You have 12 tasks I’ll go back to my nap…please finish them so-…zzz…

event [description] /at [date] - Creates an Event Task

Creates a Event Task and adds it into the Task List

Example of usage: event lesson /at 10/09/2020 12/00/00

Expected Outcome:

Task Added:

[E][✘] lesson (at: 10 Sep 2020 12:00:00 PM)

Yawns… You have 12 tasks I’ll go back to my nap…please finish them so-…zzz…

done [number] - Marks task as done

Marks the task at [number] to be done

Example of usage: done 2

Expected Outcome:

Oh…you’re done? I’ll mark it down for you…

[E][✓] dinner (at: 12 Dec 2020 19:06:00 PM)

Yawns… You have 13 tasks
I’ll go back to my nap…please finish them so-…zzz…

delete [number] - Deletes task

Deletes the task at [number]

Example of usage: delete 2

Expected Outcome:

Fine…I’ll get rid of that task for you… …but it’s tiring so I’m not gonna bring it back…ever.

[E][✘] lesson (at: 10 Sep 2020 12:00:00 PM)

Yawns… You have 12 tasks I’ll go back to my nap…please finish them so-…zzz…

list - Lists all Tasks

Shows the user a list of all his/her tasks

Example of usage: list

Expected Outcome:

  1. [D][✓] CS2103 webcast (by: 12 Sep 2020 09:00:00 AM)
  2. [E][✘] dinner (at: 12 Sep 2020 18:00:00 PM)
  3. [D][✘] CS2103 Assignment (by: 12 Oct 2020 11:00:00 AM)

Yawns… You have 3 tasks
I’ll go back to my nap…please finish them so-…zzz…

find [keyword] - Searches for Tasks containing keyword

Shows the user a list of all his/her tasks containing keyword

Example of usage: find CS2103

Expected Outcome:

yawns…I found some tasks with the keyword: “CS2103”

  1. [D][✓] CS2103 webcast (by: 12 Oct 2020 06:06:00 AM)
  2. [D][✘] CS2103 Assignment (by: 13 Oct 2020 06:06:00 AM)

sort [tag] - Sorts the Tasks according to tag

Sorts the type of tasks determined by tag in chronological order

Example of usage: sort all

Expected Outcome:

yawns…I sorted some tasks that are of type: “all”

  1. [D][✓] homework (by: 10 Sep 2020 12:00:00 PM)
  2. [E][✓] lesson (at: 10 Sep 2020 12:00:00 PM)
  3. [D][✓] CS2103 webcast (by: 12 Oct 2020 06:00:00 AM)

bye - Exits the application

Saves the data of the user and exits the app.

Example of usage: bye

Expected Outcome:


Summary of Instructions

Command Format
help help
todo todo [description]
deadline deadline [description] /by [date]
event event [description] /at [date]
done done [number]
delete delete [number]
list list
find find [keyword]
sort sort [tag]
exit bye

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